
Half life wtf mod
Half life wtf mod

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half life wtf mod

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    half life wtf mod

    You have chosen, or have been chosen to subscribe to our subreddit. But that's kind of BS that I get that kind of performance on the original(-ish) HL on such a relatively new machine.Welcome. I'll give the command line suggestion a try and see if that helps. Last night I played HL2, and guess wait, 100-120 FPS, and with no noticable stutter at all.

    half life wtf mod

    Hell, the 3 year old smartphone I'm typing on has more processing power than my 16 year old (now dead ) PC, and I'm lagging on my gaming laptop worse than ever! WTF?! Sure, I get 60 FPS most times, but it seems like the littlest things drops the FPS to 20, or lower, at semi-random moments.

    half life wtf mod

    A game engine I played on for years, having played countless nights on TFC, and random other HL mods, and I get lag spikes and FPS drops on a Core i7 processor?! I gave the first HL a try, for old-time sake, and installed it onto my slightly old laptop (a gaming laptop that's 3 years old) since the original machine I ran Half-Life on has no-life since I last checked.

    Half life wtf mod