# Return to the desktop if it's running, otherwise restart tty1 console. # Uncomment the following line and set the desired desktop video resolution mode. # flipping the virtual terminal to 1 and back to 7, otherwise go strait to desktop. # If the game resolution is different than the desktop resolution then enable usr/local/games/quake3/quake3.armv7l +set com_hunkMegs 192 +set com_zoneMegs 24 +set com_soundMegs 16 +set fs_homepath /home/"$USER"/.q3a +set vm_ui 2 +set vm_cgame 2 +set com_introplayed 1 +set com_protocol 68Įcho -e "Unable to find $q3dir/quake3.$arch binary, exiting.\n" # Uncomment the following line and set your in-game resolution if desired. # "tvservice -m CEA" in a terminal window to list available video modes. # Disable keyboard input to the x11 server for each keyboard id.Įcho -e "xinput disabled keyboard ID=$xid" Įcho -e "\nUnable to determine xinput ID to disable keyboard input to the x11 server."Įcho -e "This may allow keyboard keypresses to leak back to the desktop per an SDL2 issue."Įcho -e "See the Q3lite FAQ for details.\n" # Leave a text editor like gedit open and in focus on the desktop to catch keystrokes. # Caution, this will allow keystrokes to leak back to the desktop which can cause all sorts of mayhem. # Uncomment the xinput_id="" line below to prevent xinput from disabling keyboard input to the x11 server. # Echo the xinput keyboard ID's for troubleshooting purposes. # Attempt to auto-detect the keyboard ID's to disable keyboard input to the desktop x11 server. If systemctl is-active graphical.target > /dev/null then Timedemo="$settings +set timedemo 1 +demo four" Settings="+set com_hunkMegs 192 +set com_zoneMegs 24 +set com_soundMegs 16 +set fs_homepath $q3l_homepath +set vm_ui 2 +set vm_cgame 2 +set com_introplayed 1 +set com_protocol 68" qvm files are used (Quake Virtual Machine, default) # the line that begins with "timedemo=" or it may break the timedemo function.

Change these settings to match your desired settings. # The following line that begins with "settings=" contains the command line arguments supplied # then set the following line to: xinput_id="6 7 8". # that does NOT contain the word "Virtual". # the id number(s) of your keyboard from the "xinput" command.

# Enter "xinput" in a terminal window to show a list of all input devices.

# fails then you can determine the ID's manually by using the instructions below. # This script will try to determine the correct keyboard ID's to disable, but if the auto-detection # Disable keyboard input to the desktop x11 server if it's running (fixes SDL2 keypress leakage issue). Q3l_userhome=$(sudo -u $q3l_user -H -s eval 'echo $HOME') # Removed this part of the script! // Martin # This file is part of Q3lite source code.