The Sticky Notes app recently got a revamp as part of Microsoft’s Windows 10 Anniversary update. Based on your feedback, we’ve taken steps to improve the experience and tweaked both the default font and window size to be smaller. If you’ve upgraded from a previous version of Windows, you may have been struck by the new default font size and window sizing in the new experience. Additionally, StickyNotes would often crash when entering input using a Korean IME. Here are the official release notes: New in version 1.1.7: - A number of users have reported a serious problem where the app does not boot. There have also been some changes to the default font and window sizes which were made after the development team got feedback on those aspects of the app from users.

This new update squashed several rather major bugs that were preventing some users from even opening the app and making Sticky Notes crash for others. One exception is the font family which is applied to all sticky notes.Windows 10’s Sticky Notes app has just updated to version 1.1.7. To change existing sticky notes, double tap on each to open the Sticky Note Appearance Menu. Note: This settings do not not effect existing sticky notes.

Choose form between 25% and 100% translucent sticky notes. Unlike physical sticky notes, OnSong lets you make notes semi-translucent. Paper colors include white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, pink and grey. This is the color of paper to use for the sticky note. You can pick a size ranging from 32 points to 96 points. It's important to know that the font size used in the sticky note will shrink to allow the content to be drawn in the sticky note. This is the size of the song to display in the note.