He would either have is old sword from the start of the game the Broadsword or simply holding a mic that Gf/Bf tossed him. Obviously this fight would be against Rex in his normal Salvager wear Likely not wielding the Aegis sword yet for this fight. Rex: Rap battle? Is that like singing? I'm not that great of a singer but a Salvager never backs down from a challenge! Song 1: Driver Gf: My Boyfreind is asking if you would like to rap battle Rex: Huh I've never seen you in Alrest before. Option 2 : Similar to week 6 they get sucked into the game but willingly because they want to not because of DD. Option 1 : (likely option) BF and GF just poof into Alrest kind of like they do with most mods. Story context : There's different ways this could go by. Week (Here would be a picture of Pyra/Mythra's core)

So the only Xenoblade 2 mod I could find was a Pyra over BF and a Mythra over GF skin mod (which is very cool actually) so I figured I would List my idea for a Xenoblade 2 Full week mod Xenoblade 2 spoilers ahead You've been warned